The Federal Government fund the Stoma Appliance Scheme (SAS). This scheme requires ostomates to become a financial member of one of Australia’s ostomy associations and hold a current Medicare Card or a Department of Veteran Affairs Card to be eligible to receive their appliances free of charge.
You can only be a member of one ostomy association at any one time.
The Scheme has a monthly or annual limit on the number of items members can receive.
People holding permanent resident status (migrant) must live in Australia to be eligible for benefits. Information about migrant eligibility can be found on the Department of Health’s Medicare website.
More information about the Stoma Appliance Scheme and entitlements can be found here:
For new ostomates membership follows automatically after their initial surgery.
After surgery, a stomal therapy nurse (STN) will assess you to choose the most suitable stoma appliances. The STN will send WAOA the first order for supplies, and a completed membership application form.
Once you have made your payment for your Access and Member Fee WAOA will issue you a Stomal Appliance Membership Card. This is proof of your entitlement to receive supplies under the Stoma Appliance Scheme—please keep it safe.
An annual membership fee is due at the start of each financial year. This membership enables the ostomate to access the Stoma Appliance Scheme (SAS) and obtain the products they require to care for their stoma.
The subscription for 2024/25 is:
* A copy of a valid Centrelink-issued Health Care or Pension Card must be sighted by WAOA
You can pay on our website, over the phone to our office, by post or in person.
We accept payment online or by credit card, money orders and cash.
You can find more information about fees and concessions here.
As an ostomate, you are not bound to continue using a particular appliance. We strongly recommend that you consult a STN before trying something new.
WAOA staff and volunteers are not able to give advice on products or their suitability.
Certain nurses (STN’s) are trained specifically for ostomy care. These Nurses can advise on stoma management and associated skin care.
There are STNs in hospitals and clinics throughout WA. You can find a list of STNs on the website of the Australian Association of Stomal Therapy Nurses.
WAOA has a Stomal Therapy clinic to provide advice on stoma management. This is a free service for members as a supplement to services available through hospitals. Please contact us for appointments.
Appointments required. See the Contact us page for open hours.
Throughout WA there are a number support meetings held regularly. These support groups offer educational and other support to ostomates, their families, carers and friends.
Meeting dates are available on the home page of our website as well as being published in our newsletter, on our Facebook page and our Instagram page.
If there is no support group in your area but you would like to be part of one, please let us know. We will see what can be arranged.
You can access up to six months’ supply of appliances, in advance, if you provide proof of your overseas travel arrangements to WAOA when placing your order.
You can find some useful advice about travelling and carrying a large number of appliances here:
There are practical things that need to be considered.
Visitors to Western Australia requiring ostomy assistance may purchase appliances from WAOA.